Friday 12 April 2019

FROM THE COUNTIES: Longrich Products Consumers Testimonials Thumbs Up


Selected Testimonials From Longrich Kenya Products Consumers From The Counties.

John Munyeria, 42: KIAMBU - For several years he suffered from mild incontinence problems caused by slightly enlarged prostate. He placed a day time pad in his undies and the embarrassment of leaking urine decreased dramatically. He continues to use them daily and nightly for relief. No longer feeling embarrassed. Also after hearing about the Anion strip relieving toothache, he tried it and sure enough it worked.

Joyce Muthengi, 26: MAKUENI - "For the last few months, whenever I've had my period I've been quite sick, to the point where I've been in bed for days at a time. On top of this, when I get sick my anxiety gets quite severe, which keeps me sick for a longer period of time as the physical body tries to deal with the emotional side. Last month I used the Love Moon Anion Pads for the first time. I cannot begin to explain the change I felt in my body! I'm not saying I didn't get sick, because I did, but instead of it lasting for 3-5 days with severe anxiety attacks in the middle of the night, keeping me awake and stressed out, I was sick for just under 24 hours. During this time I was calm and did not have any anxiety, I got better faster which meant that I was able to get to work, which I've been missing quite a lot of due to being ill. Please, I urge you, anyone with ANY kind of aliment...give them a go, because who'd have thought they'd have an effect on anxiety? I won't use anything else now!"

Catherine MUTANU, 24: KITUI– "I just wanted to say WOW and Thanks for getting me onto these new panty liners and pads, I put one of the ion strips in my mouth and for the first time in the last week and a half I haven’t had to take any pain killers for the anal toothaches (which also extends to my jaw bone) that I am having while having dental procedures done. So guess what I’ll be doing from now on, cutting out the strips when any of my family or myself have any problems health wise instead of reaching for chemical pain relief"

Ann Akinyi, 22: BUNGOMA - “After listening to the benefits that other people were getting from wearing the liners for their negative ion effect, I thought I'd give them a try .. my hips had been aching for days.  I put them in my shoes and thought to myself (during the busy morning school run), that I would try to stay aware and notice when or if my hips got any better.  I took a few steps and thought, 'Actually, the edge has already been taken off the pain'. It seemed too good to be true. I keep wearing them in my shoes every day and the niggly pain is much less, although I don't have any illusions that the ion strip can change the structural nature of my hips and the strength of my pelvic floor, but they do help with pain relief. I'm really looking forward to trying the pads when I have my period because the demonstration of their absorbency and dryness is amazing!”

Anne recently had a bout of 'Vaginal Thrush'. “Having suffered with this on and off for months, I thought about using a pad at night to try and stop the infuriating itch. Sure enough come morning I was itch-free!! I continued to use a fresh pad during the next day, and low and behold, no more Thrush. What a relief!!”

Elizabeth Kananu, 23: MERU -“The first time I used a liner was after my levels of stress had shot my previously low thyroid function into overdrive. The bodily inner panic was impossible to ignore, and I couldn't turn it off to stay calm enough to function. With nothing to lose but the side effects of being too distressed, I thought - 'why not?'  After about an hour of wearing it the first time, my heart stopped racing; the inner panic had diminished to where I could just get on with it. I then noticed that on the days I wore it - I was visiting the loo a lot more than usual.  Having needed fluid tablets to pee since I had congestive heart failure after a bout of viral cardiomyopathy over ten years ago, I was VERY impressed to discovered I was peeing a lot more - far more often and in greater amounts during the day I wore them. This may not sound a big deal, but after all this time needing medication to regulate what should be naturally happening it is a major breakthrough.”

Roba ADAN, 32: MOMBASA- “I have suffered from arthritis in both knees for some years. The pain was very bad and I found it quite difficult to walk for a long time.  I put liners with the Anion pads towards my knees for three days. The pain in my knees has decreased significantly so much so that I have little or no pain. Now I can walk freely again without the pain from Kisauni to town.”

Daisy M,24: KILIFI- Danette lost the back of an earring so was using a cheaper metal back. This made her ear itchy and sore. Her ear soon started to throb and weep. She placed a pad between her ear and pillow and the throbbing stopped immediately and the weeping stopped.




COUNTY PROFILE: Meet Kyenda Ndeto The WIPER YOUTH Fighting Corruption in Kitui East.


Meet the young, suave and prolific Wiper Youth who at 24 has proved to posses the mettle to liberate the people of Kitui East against corruption and patronising politics.

" I want to advise  Hon.Nimrond Mbai the Mp Kitui East to emulate and benchmark  the development work of Wiper Mp Mwingi Central Hon.Mulyungi".

About his recent attack by goons alleged to be linked to a Jubilee Politician, Kyenda Ndeto says:

" The media has condemned the attack. MP Mulyungi through his Spokesman has also warned against fighting activists. Kitui East need development and change as Mwingi Central" says Kyenda Ndeto.

Friday 5 April 2019

Mulyungi Warns Against Gluttony, Preaches Modesty as Kitui MCAs Pass 1st Supplementary Budget


MWINGI- Mwingi Central MP Hon. Gideon Mulyungi today urged Kitui County Assembly MCAs to observe modesty and practice oversight to ensure equitable and regional distribution of County projects.

While quoting a Biblical verse against gluttony, the MP said;

"I urge all Kitui County Assembly MCAs across the political devide to observe modesty while practicing oversight against the excess of the Executive".

The MP was speaking when he launched Tsunami Rescue Sacco in Mwingi town today afternoon flanked by area police and traffic commanders.

The SACCO, with over 300 registratered members aims to uplift the livelihoods of the riders including helping upset hospital bills and ensuring easy access to loans.
