Saturday 8 June 2019

How Former Majority Leader Kilonzi Maundu Forges Ahead In Development In Nuu To Uplift Livelihoods


NUU, MWINGI -More than 38 sustainable projects by initiated by  Forner Wiper majority leader in Kitui County Assembly Hon. Kilonzi Maundu are still flourishing and impacting livelihoods positively in the semi-arid Nuu Ward in Mwingi, COUNTY PRESS has learnt.

Speaking to reporters at the bandit prone Engamba when he accompanied Mwingi Central MP Gideon Mulyungi on a fact finding mission last month, the popular Wiper politician had this to say;

"I have a very good working relationship with all leaders, not only in Wiper but across the Political devide in Kitui. During my tenure, I initiated over 34 projects which  are substainable due to the quality of my work" said the politician, who holds a diploma in accounting.

Hon. Kilonzi Maundu represented Nuu Ward in Mwingi Central Constituency from 5th March 2013 to 16th July 2017 has a highly chequered career in Wiper politics and was duly elected as the majority leader in the Kitui County Assembly.

In the water cohort, a scarce commodity in Nuu,  Hon. Maundu sunk over 5 boreholes in Nuu Ward including Engamba, Nuu, Kauniko, Nyaani and Kathanze.

On Education, the former MCA who worked closely with former Kitui governer Malombe constructed 10 ECD classes ensuring that over 800 nursery pupils have sustainable access to education.

The ECD classes can be found in Kathanze, Kawelu, Mwalili, Mutonyeko, Imwaa, Kiliku, Kithituni, Kavuti, Kwa Mutunga and Kawala.

On youth and women, the leader together with MP Mulyungi have distributed over 1,100 plastic chairs to over 34 women groups.

It must be mentioned that Hon. Kilonzi Maundu has been profilic on education and academic upliftment through harambees in Nuu having initiated 2 classes and fencing of the once neglected Yatwa and Kathanze Secondary Schools.

He is also a founder member of Ngieni polytechnic which has an enrollment of over 300 youths being trained on technical subjects to acquire skills to complete in the job market.
