Sunday 4 October 2020

Kitovoto Shields Kakundi Record Castigates Self-seeking Rowdy Kitui MCAs

 Kitovoto Castigates Self-seeking Rowdy Kitui MCAs

Our Reporter

Budding youthful Mwingi politician Kitovoto Mutinda is calling on rowdy MCAs holding hostage Kitui development matters to keep off Minister Kakundi escalated development record.

Speaking to a local Fm station, Kitovoto defended the Ministry of Lands, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development under the leadership of Eng. Jacob Kakundi whose development record he termed as 'impeccable'.

" We have witnessed massive development and access to title deeds especially in Waita Ward. Eng. Jacob Kakundi at the helm LIHUD is working on tandem with Governor Ngilu to benefit Kitui County residents. The MCAs are just a jealous lot" he said.