Saturday 20 July 2019

COUNTY PROFILES: Kenyan Research Scientist From Kitui Kyalo Muthuka To Lead Asian Consortiums In Singapore And Malaysia


NAIROBI - John Kyalo Muthuka, the famed young Kenyan health researcher is slated for a whirlwind tour of Asian Countries, specifically Singapore and Malyasia for a robust research corsotium starting Tuesday 23rd July, COUNTY DIARY reports.

Last week, the Researcher was selected among other African Young to attend the consortiums amongst reserchers - purely by conference fellows he has never known.

The lead researcher who is also lecturer at KMTC and Associate Researcher for East and Central African Research Corsotium, will give a talk in Singapore on Maternal HIV Immune Reconstitution, Inflammatory Response Syndrome and the dynamic outcomes of the pregnancy, a thorny and pertinent issue of concern in Asia and Zub- Saharan Africa.

Kyalo has received several awards both locally and internationally grabbing headlines by way of being in the limelight among the County leaders in Kitui County.

When asked of his future aspirations, Prof, as he is known amongst his compatriots said;

" Given a chance, I want to nurture other young research fellows, this world needs all of us to try improve the cutting-edge situations. Health, is of paramount importance".

Adding that discipline and focus will go far in this era of finding solutions problems through research, the scientist outlined his roadmap towards his potential solutions to maternal health.

The scientist will make a detour through Doha, Quatar and later this year proceed to Las Vegas, USA.

 He says, I will do this to infinity.

At his home in Kitui County when COUNTY DIARY visited him for this quest, he said,

" it got me by surprise when I received mails and other mails send to my seniors at work to attend these conferences and International caucues which will shape Africa in 20th Century .Even though it is not the first time, I was perturbed by the facts that everything had been paid for and given a straight scientific merit by people I had not known before"

The PhD fellow of clinical epidemiology has other diverse health qualifications which candindily portray his path towards research platform as a hard achieved merit.


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