Sunday 22 November 2020

More Reasons Why Hon Kuvasila Ranks as the Most Vocal and Hard-working Ngilu Minister


Popular Kitui County Minister for Tourism, Sports and Culture who is also the Ag. County Minister for Environment and Natural Resources Hon Patrick Koki Musau ranks as the most hardworking Kitui Executive today.

But it is his sustained work across the county, ranking from supporting Governor Charity Ngilu 5 Pillar Manifesto that has gripped the attention of the people of Kitui - probably making him one of the most vocal Ministers not only in Kitui but across Ukambani as whole.

His grip in local matters including sensitizations on mining, the adverse effects of sand harvesting and protection of environment that is making him an household name and a few enemies. 

But rather than slow him, it has only emboldened him to fight tooth and nail for his people of Mwingi West and Kitui County as a whole - where he visits regularly to listen and share matters arising with the electorate.

Speaking while representating H.E Hon Governor Ngilu to mourn the fallen  Educationalist Icon Mr Simon Muthee Kianda at Itoloni in Migwani Sub County, Hon. Patrick  Musau cautioned the present mourners that covid-19 pendamic is  killing real  people and thus they should continue observing the already laid down strict government measures regarding covid-19 pendamic virus adding that Kitui County has a covid-19 facility fully equipped with ventilators at Kauwi Sub-County hospital.

The County Executive for Environment distributed 2000 face masks and tree seedlings given by Governor Ngilu to all people present including the local churches and schools in a bid to increase forest cover from the current 7.08% to 10% in line with vision 2030.

He further highlighted some programs which Governor Ngilu has already done like KICOTEC which is manufacturing face masks which are being distributed freely to all schools in Kitui County, the Kitui Pharm which is making hand sanitizers and various hospital products and which will soon be distributed to schools as well,  the youth enterprise facility (KIYOSEC) at Manyenyoni which are all a youth empowerment facilities.

Other dignitaries present are Kitui County Senator Hon Enoch Kiio Wambua, Kitui County Women Rep Hon Dr Irene Kasalu, Busia Women Rep Hon Florence Mutua, area MP Hon Charles  Nguusya Nguna a.k.a CNN, area MCA Hon Philiph Nguli a.k.a Kalumaita, Nairobi City County Minority leader Hon Patrick Mbangula, Nairobi City County Assembly Clerk Hon Jacob Ngwele, Kitui County Commissioner  Mr John Andego, Nairobi County Commissioner madam Flora, senior government officials from the Ministry of Interior and Co-ordination, State House Presidential Delivery Unity and several DCC's from across the Country among other leaders....

Sunday 4 October 2020

Kitovoto Shields Kakundi Record Castigates Self-seeking Rowdy Kitui MCAs

 Kitovoto Castigates Self-seeking Rowdy Kitui MCAs

Our Reporter

Budding youthful Mwingi politician Kitovoto Mutinda is calling on rowdy MCAs holding hostage Kitui development matters to keep off Minister Kakundi escalated development record.

Speaking to a local Fm station, Kitovoto defended the Ministry of Lands, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development under the leadership of Eng. Jacob Kakundi whose development record he termed as 'impeccable'.

" We have witnessed massive development and access to title deeds especially in Waita Ward. Eng. Jacob Kakundi at the helm LIHUD is working on tandem with Governor Ngilu to benefit Kitui County residents. The MCAs are just a jealous lot" he said.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

I have What It Takes To Manage Kenya, Says Prof Kaluyu


WASHINGTON: Professor Jeff Kaluyu, the Kenyan 2022 presidential candidate has what it takes to be the President of Kenya.

Speaking to the media from his base in the US, the Wallstreet honcho who horned his skills in the cut throat hedge market and American universities believes his skills in public finance management stands him a good chance.

"I have respect for the leaders who came before me; from Mzee Jomo Kenyatta to Uhuru and other leaders including Raila and Kalonzo Musyoka. I believe is am the right person to finish the job they started.

Kenyans are ready for change and I am positioned right to take the helm of this great country.


Tuesday 29 October 2019

PROFILE: 14 Facts You Thought You Knew About Allan Sila – Incoming Kitui Senator 2022


1. Hon. Allan Sila is vying and is popularly expected to clinch the Kitui County Senatorial seat 2022.

2. He is the founder of the Joysila Foundations (2017) which is named after his young sister Joy. The foundations 50 projects impact on livelihoods of more than 2000 families in Kenya annually, according to statistics.

3. Allan Sila is a Statistician by profession. The politician  holds a Masters Degree in Statistics (KU). He is a successful businessman and an international oil magnate who deals in importation of oil from abroad with branches in dozen countries including East and Central  Africa.

4. Sila commits Ksh 10  millions annually to Joysila Foundation which pays fees to over 450 needy children on annual basis whilst constructing, upgrading and renovating classrooms in various schools in Kitui County annually.

5. Allan Sila is a philanthropist with a vision  for empowering women and youth in Kitui County and has helped raise millions to churches, schools including donating over 2000 goats to  poverty stricken families in Kitui.

6. He has worked in the international oil management business making him an astute manager of funds with a keen eye on oversight on public limited company finances.

7. On the political front, Sila is an astute politician with key connections in the highest echelons of both County and National governments. Last month he tagged along with popular Wiper MP Mulyungi and joined in him at various fundraisers while dishing out personal  bursaries in Nguni and Waita wards in Nguni Wards.

8. The Joysila Foundation key pillars include  women empowerment, youth affairs, provision of education to the less fortunate and health issues.

9. The prolific and popular Kitui tycoon is aged 38.

10. He is the Managing Director at Infinity Consultancy Ltd; a Pan-African consultancy firm offering business support services in over 15 African countries.(

11. In 2018, the JoySila Foundation President Allan Sila donated more than 40 wheelchairs to PLWD in kitui west, Mwingi North and Mwingi central. These assistive
devices for enhancing the personal mobility to people with disabilities, one of his cohorts and agenda in development.

12. A adept motivational speaker Sila visits students of Kitui County at universities including Kenyatta University where he spends 2 hours monthly
interacting and consultating with students on
diverse topics including career advisory and social

13. Allan is an old boy of Ikanga boys Kitui South
he had passed well being in a group of students
from the same school who scored an A-minus and
he qualified to join Kenyatta University for
Bachelor’s Degree in statistics.

14. His Twitter handles are
@allansila @JSilaFoundation

Saturday 20 July 2019

COUNTY PROFILES: Kenyan Research Scientist From Kitui Kyalo Muthuka To Lead Asian Consortiums In Singapore And Malaysia


NAIROBI - John Kyalo Muthuka, the famed young Kenyan health researcher is slated for a whirlwind tour of Asian Countries, specifically Singapore and Malyasia for a robust research corsotium starting Tuesday 23rd July, COUNTY DIARY reports.

Last week, the Researcher was selected among other African Young to attend the consortiums amongst reserchers - purely by conference fellows he has never known.

The lead researcher who is also lecturer at KMTC and Associate Researcher for East and Central African Research Corsotium, will give a talk in Singapore on Maternal HIV Immune Reconstitution, Inflammatory Response Syndrome and the dynamic outcomes of the pregnancy, a thorny and pertinent issue of concern in Asia and Zub- Saharan Africa.

Kyalo has received several awards both locally and internationally grabbing headlines by way of being in the limelight among the County leaders in Kitui County.

When asked of his future aspirations, Prof, as he is known amongst his compatriots said;

" Given a chance, I want to nurture other young research fellows, this world needs all of us to try improve the cutting-edge situations. Health, is of paramount importance".

Adding that discipline and focus will go far in this era of finding solutions problems through research, the scientist outlined his roadmap towards his potential solutions to maternal health.

The scientist will make a detour through Doha, Quatar and later this year proceed to Las Vegas, USA.

 He says, I will do this to infinity.

At his home in Kitui County when COUNTY DIARY visited him for this quest, he said,

" it got me by surprise when I received mails and other mails send to my seniors at work to attend these conferences and International caucues which will shape Africa in 20th Century .Even though it is not the first time, I was perturbed by the facts that everything had been paid for and given a straight scientific merit by people I had not known before"

The PhD fellow of clinical epidemiology has other diverse health qualifications which candindily portray his path towards research platform as a hard achieved merit.
