Sunday 24 February 2019

MACHAKOS: Politician Darius Leads Wiper Youth And Church Agenda In Machakos


MACHAKOS-Darius Kimwele, the youthful politician and a risk and disasters management consultant, who was in the news recently as he recruited 300 Wiper Choppers volunteers, is leading the youth agenda cohort in  the Wiper Party,  COUNTY PRESS has learnt.

The move, a brainchild of Wiper top brass backed by blessings of  Former VP and Wiper leader H.E Kalonzo Musyoka is aiming at ratcheting up the youth and women agenda in the party Manifesto, party insiders said Saturday.

"This week ranks as the busiest for the Kingpin as far matters pertaining youth and women are concerned. We are engaging in consecutive comprehensive meetings" said  Darius Kimwele, the young suave paralegal and Mwingi politician.

"We are bringing out the big guns for 2022. after today's meeting I personally delivered SKM message to more than 1000 church leaders who are  congregated during aa hig profile caucucs in Machakos Show Ground. Kalonzo message is clear: Religion must play a big role in suffrage, and in governce" added the youthful politician.

We are going the whole ten  yards. We are meeting youth leaders, women leaders, pastors and even the teens. At the core of the discussions that Kalonzo is having with them the role of youth in political, economic and social development.

Asked by this reporter about the future of the party, he said;

The future  of Wiper Democratic Movement as a political party rests on the youth of this Country. The Kalonzo Musyoka Foundation is the forward operating base" Said Darius Kimwele.

Last week, the party top brass announced its grandiose plans to embark on a country wide popularization of the national party using choppers embazolned with the party colours including its iconic umbrella, catching the Ngilu Mutua Kivutha outfit unawares.

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