Thursday 7 February 2019

Stop Using Kyondoni Mixed As Scapegoat, I Gave Half Million, Sen Kiio Warns Ngilu


The people of Kitui County must resist attempts by propagandists to divert attention from the blatant and widespread theft of public resources in the County Government of Kitui under Gov Charity Ngilu.

The old and tired trick of a thief shouting thief won't work.

I have been challenged to provide information about money raised for Kyondoni Mixed Day Sec Sch last year. Here is my response: I have been chairman of the school BoM until my resignation to run for the Senate seat. For more than three years when I was the BoM chair I refused to be paid a single coin as sitting allowance from the school.

I have been mobilising resources to build the school from scratch to where it is today and I plan do a lot more for the school. It is my home school; it is my pet project.

The said harambee to which I invited senators and MPs did not even raise Sh2m in cash as alleged. We raised Sh1.8m in cash. I have been advised that the entire amount was banked the following day. The school management can provide details of this account.

Out of this cash I donated Sh560,000 from myself and friends. Kitui West CDF office pledged Sh3m and area MCA pledged Sh1m.

A friend pledged 100 corrugated iron sheets and 100 bags of cement. These pledges are yet to be honoured. Land has been bought, four modern classrooms and three offices are under construction. I have NEVER stolen from the public.

That is not who I am; I am not a thief. If my friend Senator Steve Mumbu or anyone else is looking for a seasoned thief and a pathological liar, I could direct them to one and provide SOLID DOCUMENTARY evidence from the ministries of Lands, Water, Health and the County Government of Kitui.

My pledge to the people of Kitui is that no amount of intimidation or character assassination will EVER deter me from confronting thieves, their associates and hired cheerleaders. Twende kazi...

Enoch Kiio Wambua,
Senator, Kitui County

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