Thursday 21 March 2019

COUNTY PROFILES: Meet Cosmas Kimanzi, The Development Icon Changing The World Through Education in Nguni, Mwingi...


Meet Cosmas Kimanzi, the development Icon changing the world through education in Mwingi.

NGUNI , MWINGI- Cosmas Kimanzi Mwalya, a Finance & Management Consultant from Nguni Ward, Kitui County believes that everyone should have an opportunity to exercise their full potential and reap social and economic benefits that any society can offer.

This can be achieved by empowering men, women, youth and the vulnerable in our society.

To help children achieve their academic potential and spur social economic development, through the help of the local community, CDF-Mwingi central, parents and leaders Cosmas started Kalanga Secondary School in Nguni Ward, which is a community based day school to help needy students get access to secondary education.

He has been the chairman of the BOM since 2013.


Before the low cost secondary school was opened in 2013, the yearly transition from class eight to secondary was 30%. The girls were mostly affected due to early marriages and pregnancies. The secondary school dropout rate was approximately 40% for every cohort because most parents could not afford fees and transport costs by then
Success story/Impact.

The school opened with only  23 students and now(2019) the student population stands at 130 (54% girls and 46% boys).The transition to secondary now stands at 98% which is a remarkable improvement from 30%.Early marriages and pregnancies have been controlled fully.

Owning The future Ahead

Leveraging on support from the BOM and stakeholders Cosmas wishes to transform the school into day/boarding, build more learning facilities and improve the academic standards in the next 5 years. Our 10 year strategic plan is to build a TVET institution to boost technical & vocational training

Fast Facts: Cosmas Kimanzi Mwalya
Finance, Accounting & Management Consultant, Nairobi.

Chairman, Kalanga Secondary School, Nguni Ward-Kitui County.

Secretary, Mwingi Central CDF Oversight Committee & Businessman.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” Mahatma Gandhi

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