Saturday 2 March 2019

NAIROBI: More than 50 univesity leaders students' leaders drawn 40 wards across Kitui County are incessantly pushing for a change of guard in the county leadership co me 2022, COUNTYPRESS has learnt.

Academic Disillusionment & Apathy

Speaking after a highly charged meeting at Dillon hotel in the city, the  group christened Dr.Mulyungi Governor 2022, Mwingi Comrades and Kitui County Revolution are citing disillusionment with the Ngilu administration in matters academic.

"The Kitui Governor is claiming through a Twitter  post that they have disbursed more than 166 million for bursaries but none of us recieved any. We only received Tsunami bursaries which he gave to over 13,000 Students all over Kenya. Of these, XXXX went to university and tertiary institutions students" Alex Muema, Chairman Mwingi University Students Association.

"We are totally disillusioned. We simply want Mulyungi at the helm of Kitui County. If push comes to shove we will organise a Kitui univesity students demo.

"We are recruiting more than 5K members. We are showing others what Mulyungi has done and what Mulyungi stands for. The global architect stands for total transparency and academic excellence and courageous leadership. Ngilu is bereft of all these" said Francis Muthengi at the rendezvous.

Echoing thes studentssentiments is Mwingi politician and academic James Kivanga Mutunga, he says;

Servitude leadership is what we need in Kitui county, where public resources will be in safe hands with Dr. Hon Gideon Mulyungi as our county boss.The future of Kitui county is luminous.

"Servitude leadership is what we need in Kitui county, where public resources will be in safe hands with Dr. Hon Gideon Mulyungi as our county boss.The future of Kitui county is luminous"

Here is a transcript of WhatsApp Messenges send to COUNTYPRESS

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