Tuesday 5 November 2019

I have What It Takes To Manage Kenya, Says Prof Kaluyu


WASHINGTON: Professor Jeff Kaluyu, the Kenyan 2022 presidential candidate has what it takes to be the President of Kenya.

Speaking to the media from his base in the US, the Wallstreet honcho who horned his skills in the cut throat hedge market and American universities believes his skills in public finance management stands him a good chance.

"I have respect for the leaders who came before me; from Mzee Jomo Kenyatta to Uhuru and other leaders including Raila and Kalonzo Musyoka. I believe is am the right person to finish the job they started.

Kenyans are ready for change and I am positioned right to take the helm of this great country.


Tuesday 29 October 2019

PROFILE: 14 Facts You Thought You Knew About Allan Sila – Incoming Kitui Senator 2022


1. Hon. Allan Sila is vying and is popularly expected to clinch the Kitui County Senatorial seat 2022.

2. He is the founder of the Joysila Foundations (2017) which is named after his young sister Joy. The foundations 50 projects impact on livelihoods of more than 2000 families in Kenya annually, according to statistics.

3. Allan Sila is a Statistician by profession. The politician  holds a Masters Degree in Statistics (KU). He is a successful businessman and an international oil magnate who deals in importation of oil from abroad with branches in dozen countries including East and Central  Africa.

4. Sila commits Ksh 10  millions annually to Joysila Foundation which pays fees to over 450 needy children on annual basis whilst constructing, upgrading and renovating classrooms in various schools in Kitui County annually.

5. Allan Sila is a philanthropist with a vision  for empowering women and youth in Kitui County and has helped raise millions to churches, schools including donating over 2000 goats to  poverty stricken families in Kitui.

6. He has worked in the international oil management business making him an astute manager of funds with a keen eye on oversight on public limited company finances.

7. On the political front, Sila is an astute politician with key connections in the highest echelons of both County and National governments. Last month he tagged along with popular Wiper MP Mulyungi and joined in him at various fundraisers while dishing out personal  bursaries in Nguni and Waita wards in Nguni Wards.

8. The Joysila Foundation key pillars include  women empowerment, youth affairs, provision of education to the less fortunate and health issues.

9. The prolific and popular Kitui tycoon is aged 38.

10. He is the Managing Director at Infinity Consultancy Ltd; a Pan-African consultancy firm offering business support services in over 15 African countries.(www.infinity-consultancy.com)

11. In 2018, the JoySila Foundation President Allan Sila donated more than 40 wheelchairs to PLWD in kitui west, Mwingi North and Mwingi central. These assistive
devices for enhancing the personal mobility to people with disabilities, one of his cohorts and agenda in development.

12. A adept motivational speaker Sila visits students of Kitui County at universities including Kenyatta University where he spends 2 hours monthly
interacting and consultating with students on
diverse topics including career advisory and social

13. Allan is an old boy of Ikanga boys Kitui South
he had passed well being in a group of students
from the same school who scored an A-minus and
he qualified to join Kenyatta University for
Bachelor’s Degree in statistics.

14. His Twitter handles are
@allansila @JSilaFoundation

Saturday 20 July 2019

COUNTY PROFILES: Kenyan Research Scientist From Kitui Kyalo Muthuka To Lead Asian Consortiums In Singapore And Malaysia


NAIROBI - John Kyalo Muthuka, the famed young Kenyan health researcher is slated for a whirlwind tour of Asian Countries, specifically Singapore and Malyasia for a robust research corsotium starting Tuesday 23rd July, COUNTY DIARY reports.

Last week, the Researcher was selected among other African Young to attend the consortiums amongst reserchers - purely by conference fellows he has never known.

The lead researcher who is also lecturer at KMTC and Associate Researcher for East and Central African Research Corsotium, will give a talk in Singapore on Maternal HIV Immune Reconstitution, Inflammatory Response Syndrome and the dynamic outcomes of the pregnancy, a thorny and pertinent issue of concern in Asia and Zub- Saharan Africa.

Kyalo has received several awards both locally and internationally grabbing headlines by way of being in the limelight among the County leaders in Kitui County.

When asked of his future aspirations, Prof, as he is known amongst his compatriots said;

" Given a chance, I want to nurture other young research fellows, this world needs all of us to try improve the cutting-edge situations. Health, is of paramount importance".

Adding that discipline and focus will go far in this era of finding solutions problems through research, the scientist outlined his roadmap towards his potential solutions to maternal health.

The scientist will make a detour through Doha, Quatar and later this year proceed to Las Vegas, USA.

 He says, I will do this to infinity.

At his home in Kitui County when COUNTY DIARY visited him for this quest, he said,

" it got me by surprise when I received mails and other mails send to my seniors at work to attend these conferences and International caucues which will shape Africa in 20th Century .Even though it is not the first time, I was perturbed by the facts that everything had been paid for and given a straight scientific merit by people I had not known before"

The PhD fellow of clinical epidemiology has other diverse health qualifications which candindily portray his path towards research platform as a hard achieved merit.


Saturday 8 June 2019

How Former Majority Leader Kilonzi Maundu Forges Ahead In Development In Nuu To Uplift Livelihoods


NUU, MWINGI -More than 38 sustainable projects by initiated by  Forner Wiper majority leader in Kitui County Assembly Hon. Kilonzi Maundu are still flourishing and impacting livelihoods positively in the semi-arid Nuu Ward in Mwingi, COUNTY PRESS has learnt.

Speaking to reporters at the bandit prone Engamba when he accompanied Mwingi Central MP Gideon Mulyungi on a fact finding mission last month, the popular Wiper politician had this to say;

"I have a very good working relationship with all leaders, not only in Wiper but across the Political devide in Kitui. During my tenure, I initiated over 34 projects which  are substainable due to the quality of my work" said the politician, who holds a diploma in accounting.

Hon. Kilonzi Maundu represented Nuu Ward in Mwingi Central Constituency from 5th March 2013 to 16th July 2017 has a highly chequered career in Wiper politics and was duly elected as the majority leader in the Kitui County Assembly.

In the water cohort, a scarce commodity in Nuu,  Hon. Maundu sunk over 5 boreholes in Nuu Ward including Engamba, Nuu, Kauniko, Nyaani and Kathanze.

On Education, the former MCA who worked closely with former Kitui governer Malombe constructed 10 ECD classes ensuring that over 800 nursery pupils have sustainable access to education.

The ECD classes can be found in Kathanze, Kawelu, Mwalili, Mutonyeko, Imwaa, Kiliku, Kithituni, Kavuti, Kwa Mutunga and Kawala.

On youth and women, the leader together with MP Mulyungi have distributed over 1,100 plastic chairs to over 34 women groups.

It must be mentioned that Hon. Kilonzi Maundu has been profilic on education and academic upliftment through harambees in Nuu having initiated 2 classes and fencing of the once neglected Yatwa and Kathanze Secondary Schools.

He is also a founder member of Ngieni polytechnic which has an enrollment of over 300 youths being trained on technical subjects to acquire skills to complete in the job market.


Friday 31 May 2019

10 Reasons Why Christine Mwende, The Iron Lady Uplifting Women In Nguutani Is Gunning To Clinch The MCA Seat In 2022

NGUUTANI- They do not call Christine Mwende an Iron Lady for nothing.

The 30 year old politician lady gunning to represent Nguutani Ward at the Kitui County Assembly come 2022 has proved her mettle in matters of women empowerment - not only in her Ward but across Mwingi West constituency as a whole.

Hearts and Minds

According to one Boda Boda association official Mwangangi Muthami who hails from her village, the Iron Lady has been winning hearts and minds of everyone including Boda Boda operators by helping them overcome the red tape when registering Saccos and CBOs.

Advisory Services

Two years down the line Christine has helped register over 8 Sacco including the Mwingi West Boda Boda Sacco and Uthui Sacco, with tens of self-help groups belonging to women in the 4 wards that make up Mwingi West constituency benefiting from her advisory services.

Rigourous Red Tape

"In 2018 Mwende, who comes from the neighboring Nzauni village met us at Nguutani town and helped us with the rigourous process of registering our SACCO.

Lip Service

We had approached other leaders who not only gave us lip service but even wanted kickbacks" said the SACCO chairman during the interview.

Banking and Booking

Christine has been consistent when we need advice on banking and book keeping. Everyone is proud of her work with women whom she has empowered with merry-go-rounds calling her The Iron Lady Of Mwingi West" said Mutuku. asistered us a SACCO.

Sustainable Livelihoods

In her own words, she says her focus will be geared towards uplifting the ivelihoods of women and youth thorough resources mobilisation.

" I am creating a permanent and sustainable solutions to uplift and encourage financial freedom to our the womenfolk. I am also working in tandem with financial companies and UWEZO Fund to empower women and youths. My manifesto and roadmap is already ready" she told COUNTY PRESS yesterday.

Affirmative MP Support

Asked if she supports the area MP Hon. Charles Nguna, Mwende answered in affirmative, that;

Yes i am working hand in hand with CNN. He has helped my fellow youths through sports and i am proud of him"

The Mwingi West constituency consists of 4 wards namely Nguutani, Migwani Ward, Kiomo Kyethani and Kyome.


Thursday 30 May 2019

10 Reasons Why City Tycoon DARIUS KIMWELE Is The Man To Watch In Makandara 2022 Elections

10 Reasons Why City Tycoon DARIUS KIMWELE Is The Man To Watch In Makandara 2022 Elections


MAKANDARA: Makandara residents have declared Darius Kimwele, the flamboyant city paralegal and tycoon as their new choice to represent them come 2022, the word on the streets indicate.

"Darius Kimwele has hit ground in Makadara constituency with a big bang since introducing himself to us. We the residents of makandara constituency, including youth and women want him to run  in 2022" says Da Tarvan who runs the popular Makandara Facebook Forum.

The popularity  of Darius Kimwele, not to mention his philanthrophic feats has shaken the incumbent MP.

The youthful politician Darius Kimwele has also confirmed that his team is doing mapping of the 4 Wards while assessing the areas of need to the residents of his constituency.

It is true. In a fortnight we will be sharing the #TeamDarius blue print. The residents can't wait to see the Manifesto of this dynamic, combative, skillful, loving,focussed and outgoing gentleman" said Da Tarvan posting on the Makandara Facebook Forum today.

Darius, who has promised to handle city challages head on is also a Bossom friend to Wiper leader H.E Kalonzo Musyoka.

Makadara is one of 17 constituencies in Nairobi and lies in Eastlands.It consists of 4 wards.


Friday 17 May 2019

How Prolific Mwingi Politician Ndumbuli Is Winning Voters By Supporting Churches, Orphans and Widows


MWINGI - Profilic politician Ndumbuli Mwikya Mailu - who is set to triumph as the Mwingi Central MCA in 2022 due to his sustainable development and philanthrophic feats in Mwingi in  is not your average politician.

The workholic has been setting up new standards in all cohorts of development and winning the hearts and minds of Mwingi Central ward voters in droves making his chequered career in Mwingi elective politics unassailable.

"Every weekend, when he is not travelling across Africa as a tourism magnate, Ndumbuli joins fellow faithfuls in churches.

I have seen him initiating new churches, He has upgraded 8 of them as well as supporting widows, orphans and students with harambees. Everyone can see that" said Pastor Xxx speaking to COUNTYPRESS yesterday.

Mwikya Ndumbuli, the brainchild of the upcoming Mathyakani Community Mixed Day Sec School - which he initiated from scratch could be slowly making the current MCA a laughing stock.

During the last general elections, it was Ndumbuli who lobbied for the establishment of Kalisasi and Mathyakani location and Ngunini sub location which are already gazetted ostensibly bringing National Government services close to the people.

"Its not a competition. To me, working for the people is a calling. If the people of Mwingi Central Ward give me a mandate to manage their public resources I will take to it like fish to water" said Ndumbuli, a fierce critic of Ngilu administration which he terms as negligent, corrupt and full of malice, according to his daily updates on Whatsapp.

As if that is not enough Mwikya Ndumbuli has made forays into churches making him a darling of many a faithful as the his jaggernaut towards 2022 runs roughshod over other weak, lazy and money driven politician.

He has built Mathyakani IPC,Mathyakani Baptist, Mathyakani Methodist, Full Gospel Mwingi, ATG Mwingi,ABC Musukini,Redeemed Gospel Kwa Mbungu,Full Gospel Mulanga,Emmanuel Church Musukini and donating tonnes of food stuffs to widowers, single mothers and orphans.


Thursday 16 May 2019

COUNTY PROFILE: Meet Nyati -Kenyan International Most Profilic Footbal Star


Meet Ezekiel Nyati-Kenyas Most Profilic Footballer whose exploits on the Kenyan football scene has gripped both fans and International scouts since 2013.

Ezekiel, 19 has played for both KCB National Super League as well as National Under 20 in two Under 20 African Cup of Nations qualifiers.

In 2018, the young player also played for Club Mounana in Gabon before joining his current Club, the Posta Rangers in the same year.

"I look upto Sergio Ramos" says the player who plays No. 5.

Sergio Ramos García is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for and captains both Real Madrid and the Spain national team as a centre back. He can also play as a right back. 

Here is the complete profile:

Friday 12 April 2019

FROM THE COUNTIES: Longrich Products Consumers Testimonials Thumbs Up


Selected Testimonials From Longrich Kenya Products Consumers From The Counties.

John Munyeria, 42: KIAMBU - For several years he suffered from mild incontinence problems caused by slightly enlarged prostate. He placed a day time pad in his undies and the embarrassment of leaking urine decreased dramatically. He continues to use them daily and nightly for relief. No longer feeling embarrassed. Also after hearing about the Anion strip relieving toothache, he tried it and sure enough it worked.

Joyce Muthengi, 26: MAKUENI - "For the last few months, whenever I've had my period I've been quite sick, to the point where I've been in bed for days at a time. On top of this, when I get sick my anxiety gets quite severe, which keeps me sick for a longer period of time as the physical body tries to deal with the emotional side. Last month I used the Love Moon Anion Pads for the first time. I cannot begin to explain the change I felt in my body! I'm not saying I didn't get sick, because I did, but instead of it lasting for 3-5 days with severe anxiety attacks in the middle of the night, keeping me awake and stressed out, I was sick for just under 24 hours. During this time I was calm and did not have any anxiety, I got better faster which meant that I was able to get to work, which I've been missing quite a lot of due to being ill. Please, I urge you, anyone with ANY kind of aliment...give them a go, because who'd have thought they'd have an effect on anxiety? I won't use anything else now!"

Catherine MUTANU, 24: KITUI– "I just wanted to say WOW and Thanks for getting me onto these new panty liners and pads, I put one of the ion strips in my mouth and for the first time in the last week and a half I haven’t had to take any pain killers for the anal toothaches (which also extends to my jaw bone) that I am having while having dental procedures done. So guess what I’ll be doing from now on, cutting out the strips when any of my family or myself have any problems health wise instead of reaching for chemical pain relief"

Ann Akinyi, 22: BUNGOMA - “After listening to the benefits that other people were getting from wearing the liners for their negative ion effect, I thought I'd give them a try .. my hips had been aching for days.  I put them in my shoes and thought to myself (during the busy morning school run), that I would try to stay aware and notice when or if my hips got any better.  I took a few steps and thought, 'Actually, the edge has already been taken off the pain'. It seemed too good to be true. I keep wearing them in my shoes every day and the niggly pain is much less, although I don't have any illusions that the ion strip can change the structural nature of my hips and the strength of my pelvic floor, but they do help with pain relief. I'm really looking forward to trying the pads when I have my period because the demonstration of their absorbency and dryness is amazing!”

Anne recently had a bout of 'Vaginal Thrush'. “Having suffered with this on and off for months, I thought about using a pad at night to try and stop the infuriating itch. Sure enough come morning I was itch-free!! I continued to use a fresh pad during the next day, and low and behold, no more Thrush. What a relief!!”

Elizabeth Kananu, 23: MERU -“The first time I used a liner was after my levels of stress had shot my previously low thyroid function into overdrive. The bodily inner panic was impossible to ignore, and I couldn't turn it off to stay calm enough to function. With nothing to lose but the side effects of being too distressed, I thought - 'why not?'  After about an hour of wearing it the first time, my heart stopped racing; the inner panic had diminished to where I could just get on with it. I then noticed that on the days I wore it - I was visiting the loo a lot more than usual.  Having needed fluid tablets to pee since I had congestive heart failure after a bout of viral cardiomyopathy over ten years ago, I was VERY impressed to discovered I was peeing a lot more - far more often and in greater amounts during the day I wore them. This may not sound a big deal, but after all this time needing medication to regulate what should be naturally happening it is a major breakthrough.”

Roba ADAN, 32: MOMBASA- “I have suffered from arthritis in both knees for some years. The pain was very bad and I found it quite difficult to walk for a long time.  I put liners with the Anion pads towards my knees for three days. The pain in my knees has decreased significantly so much so that I have little or no pain. Now I can walk freely again without the pain from Kisauni to town.”

Daisy M,24: KILIFI- Danette lost the back of an earring so was using a cheaper metal back. This made her ear itchy and sore. Her ear soon started to throb and weep. She placed a pad between her ear and pillow and the throbbing stopped immediately and the weeping stopped.




COUNTY PROFILE: Meet Kyenda Ndeto The WIPER YOUTH Fighting Corruption in Kitui East.


Meet the young, suave and prolific Wiper Youth who at 24 has proved to posses the mettle to liberate the people of Kitui East against corruption and patronising politics.

" I want to advise  Hon.Nimrond Mbai the Mp Kitui East to emulate and benchmark  the development work of Wiper Mp Mwingi Central Hon.Mulyungi".

About his recent attack by goons alleged to be linked to a Jubilee Politician, Kyenda Ndeto says:

" The media has condemned the attack. MP Mulyungi through his Spokesman has also warned against fighting activists. Kitui East need development and change as Mwingi Central" says Kyenda Ndeto.

Friday 5 April 2019

Mulyungi Warns Against Gluttony, Preaches Modesty as Kitui MCAs Pass 1st Supplementary Budget


MWINGI- Mwingi Central MP Hon. Gideon Mulyungi today urged Kitui County Assembly MCAs to observe modesty and practice oversight to ensure equitable and regional distribution of County projects.

While quoting a Biblical verse against gluttony, the MP said;

"I urge all Kitui County Assembly MCAs across the political devide to observe modesty while practicing oversight against the excess of the Executive".

The MP was speaking when he launched Tsunami Rescue Sacco in Mwingi town today afternoon flanked by area police and traffic commanders.

The SACCO, with over 300 registratered members aims to uplift the livelihoods of the riders including helping upset hospital bills and ensuring easy access to loans.


Saturday 30 March 2019

COUNTY PROFILES: Meet Morris Mr Zip, Kitui's Hottest Rapper Yet

Draft - I will edit when u send.

By PATRICK KIMANZI, Nation Correspondent

Name:Morris Mwema
Occupation: hustle/artist
Artist name:MR.ZIP
Constituency: Mwg Central

anything else,,,,,,,????

Thursday 28 March 2019

COUNTY PROFILES: Meet T Joseph aka J Tizo, Coast Based Gospel Star And Producer

By PATRICK KIMANZI, Nation Correspondent

COUNTY PROFILE:  T Joseph aka J Tizo, Mombasa

Names: Joseph Tumaini Masha.
Stage Name:  T Joseph aka J Tizo


Meet T Joseph, a reknown Mombasa based Gospel artist, song writer, audio and video producer, actor, events orgernizer and artistes manager.

MAIN GOSPEL ALBUM: Nimuabudu nani


Michael Yena, King Dee, Benson Kesi, Obina, C New, Nevoh, Amina Blessed, Ten down and many more


Beauty artiste  with skills in manicure, pedicure, facial, face, legs massage and barber etc.

Email- producerjaytee@gmail.com


A Tourist guide with a good grasp of  Italian, English and Swahili languanges including competency in Computer maintanace and software installations.

Phone: 0708446213

Tuesday 26 March 2019

MP Mulyungi To Buy New Bus For Masavi Girls By June


NGUNI - Masavi Girls Secondary School  in Nguni Ward, Mwingi Central Constituency will get a new school bus delivered by June this year, area MP Gideon Mulyungi has said.

Amid tomtom drums and poems, the top performing school girls beseeched the straight-talking Wiper MP that they needed their bus - after raging killer River Enziu swept their Scania last year.

The MP didn't disappoint;

"I have heard your hue and cry. Your moving poems are full of pathos because 'Scania' is no more.

I am therefore together with the BOM organising this mega fundraising event to be attended by all Kitui leaders in May.

Tsunami will top up the remaining amount to make sure that Masavi Girls get their Scania back" said the profilic development icon at Masavi Girls Secondary School Prize Giving Day on Saturday amid ululation.

The MP also graced the Parents Day at the neighboring Nguni Secondary School where he was Chief Guest.

"We are constructing you a brand new classroom and a dormitory next. The classroom is nearing completion" said the MP flanked by Nguni Ward MCA Jefferson Kiruru (Wiper).


Friday 22 March 2019

LONGRICH LAUNCHES IN KISII As Hundreds Attend The Health And Wealth Business Seminar Mega Launch


KISII- Hundreds of entrepreneurs today attended the much hyped Wealth and Health Business Seminar as the Chinese health products conglomerate Longrich International lunched in Kisii County,* local media reported.

Speaking while welcoming participants at the workshop where more than 2000 brands by the fastest growing MLM, Longrich Kenya Country Director Mercy Mberia said;

"The response from the 18 counties that we have so far penetrated and established robust entrepreneurs is overwhelming. We are targeting to train over 1 million entrepreneurs in Kenya.

Our Social Media is exploding with requests by potential business oriented people to join Longrich"

Kenyans are looking to the East, where their health and wealth will comes from, she added addressing the media at the venue.



Thursday 21 March 2019

COUNTY PROFILES: Meet Cosmas Kimanzi, The Development Icon Changing The World Through Education in Nguni, Mwingi...


Meet Cosmas Kimanzi, the development Icon changing the world through education in Mwingi.

NGUNI , MWINGI- Cosmas Kimanzi Mwalya, a Finance & Management Consultant from Nguni Ward, Kitui County believes that everyone should have an opportunity to exercise their full potential and reap social and economic benefits that any society can offer.

This can be achieved by empowering men, women, youth and the vulnerable in our society.

To help children achieve their academic potential and spur social economic development, through the help of the local community, CDF-Mwingi central, parents and leaders Cosmas started Kalanga Secondary School in Nguni Ward, which is a community based day school to help needy students get access to secondary education.

He has been the chairman of the BOM since 2013.


Before the low cost secondary school was opened in 2013, the yearly transition from class eight to secondary was 30%. The girls were mostly affected due to early marriages and pregnancies. The secondary school dropout rate was approximately 40% for every cohort because most parents could not afford fees and transport costs by then
Success story/Impact.

The school opened with only  23 students and now(2019) the student population stands at 130 (54% girls and 46% boys).The transition to secondary now stands at 98% which is a remarkable improvement from 30%.Early marriages and pregnancies have been controlled fully.

Owning The future Ahead

Leveraging on support from the BOM and stakeholders Cosmas wishes to transform the school into day/boarding, build more learning facilities and improve the academic standards in the next 5 years. Our 10 year strategic plan is to build a TVET institution to boost technical & vocational training

Fast Facts: Cosmas Kimanzi Mwalya
Finance, Accounting & Management Consultant, Nairobi.

Chairman, Kalanga Secondary School, Nguni Ward-Kitui County.

Secretary, Mwingi Central CDF Oversight Committee & Businessman.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday 20 March 2019


Meet Medley Bwoy, a Kenyan artiste who started his music career late in late 2016 and this year he celebrates his 3third yr in the Kenyan showbiz industry.

After releasing his first video through what he calls "favour from God, Medley is now he is back with a another rap song.

The video of the song is set to be released on 3rd April 2019 and will only available through email and WhatsApp .

"To get the song and subsequent video my listeners are required to send Ksh 30 to 0743736516, please include and your WhatsApp number or Email address. You can also follow Medley bwoy in all social media platforms" he said speaking to COUNTYPRESS.


Sunday 17 March 2019

Nakuru Cancer Patients Embracing Chinese Longrich Health Products To Keep Cancer At Bay


NAKURU - Longrich Kenya entrepreneurs In Nakuru on Saturday vowed to keep on sensitising Kenyans on the benefits of the popular Chinese health products as Non-Communicable Disease rise in the country.


Longrich International Country Director Mercy Mberia, speaking to Press in Nakuru after training more than 300 entrepreneurs said;

"Our highly researched Longrich International health products coupled lifestyle changes can keep cancer at bay for Kenyans. Kenyans embracing our products can lead healthier and robust lives. No wonder Longrich products are getting thumbs up from experts on Non-communicable Diseases".

COUNTY PROFILES: Johny Skani: Artiste, Event Organizer And Director At Miss Global Kenya

By PATRICK KIMANZI, Nation Correspondent.


NAME: John Mackenzie Wanyama
STAGE NAME: Johnny Skani


Sunday 3 March 2019

Kenyans Hail Longrich Products As Life Changing At Monthly Business Summit In Nairobi


NAIROBI: More than 600 Kenyans this week flocked a city hotel to take part in the popular Monthly Business Summit by Longrich Kenya, COUNTYPRESS has established.

Comprising of local entrepreneurs, health experts and the general populace, the free event was billed a huge success by the organisers.

"Everyday people are realizing the health and social-economic benefits of long rich products and benefits of Multi-Level marketing that we utilise in our strategy to reach more people and change even more lives" said Mercy Mberia, one of the keynote speakers at the colourful event.

Longrich Kenya is part of the global Chinese health and business products company Longrich International, that produces more than 2000+ high quality products ranging from Personal Care to a Wine series.

Longrich International boasts a global presence in 183 countries and products are sold in more than 50 countries and regions around the world.

The Chinese company was founded by Zhiwei Xu and produces more than 1,000 products in eight categories, including household, cosmetics, health care products, furniture, real estate and logistics.

It operates in 11 African countries, which include Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Kenya DRC and Botswana.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Longrich is fully involved in so many social responsibilities such as Sport, Health, Education and has a track record of acknowledged corporate social responsibility as she strives to give back to the society in which she operates.

Longrich CEO/ chairman MrZhiwei Xu speaking via a direct  while addressing the  gathering said;

“Everyone has a dream of success, but many people could not find a good business platform, and unable to do so. Longrich customized marketing provide such a career platform for millions of those dream seeker, as long as they can successfully transfer their dream into a persistent pursuit, then they will succeed”.
Longrich gives you the opportunity to help others to build successful business – the satisfaction of building a better life for yourself and your loved ones.

“No other industry on earth creates as many millionaires as Network Marketing. Not real estate, not insurance, not the legal profession. NO OTHER INDUSTRY.”, wrote Mercy Mberia the company's daily interactive blog that publishes health articles.

She continued;

“Network Marketing gives people the opportunity needed, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth” by Robert Kiyosaki, Entrepreneur.


Patrick Kimanzi is LONGRICHPRESS Editor

Hundreds Of Kenyans Flock Longrich Monthly Business Summit In Nairobi


NAIROBI: More than 600 Kenyans this week flocked a city hotel to take part in the popular Monthly Business Summit by Longrich Kenya, COUNTYPRESS has established.

Comprising of local entrepreneurs, health experts and the general populace, the free event was billed a huge success by the organisers.

"Everyday people are realizing the health and social-economic benefits of long rich products and benefits of Multi-Level marketing that we utilise in our strategy to reach more people and change even more lives" said Mercy Mberia, one of the keynote speakers at the colourful event.

Longrich Kenya is part of the global Chinese health and business products company Longrich International, that produces more than 2000+ high quality products ranging from Personal Care to a Wine series.

Longrich International boasts a global presence in 183 countries and products are sold in more than 50 countries and regions around the world.

The Chinese company was founded by Zhiwei Xu and produces more than 1,000 products in eight categories, including household, cosmetics, health care products, furniture, real estate and logistics.

It operates in 11 African countries, which include Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Kenya DRC and Botswana.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Longrich is fully involved in so many social responsibilities such as Sport, Health, Education and has a track record of acknowledged corporate social responsibility as she strives to give back to the society in which she operates.

Longrich CEO/ chairman MrZhiwei Xu speaking via a direct  while addressing the  gathering said;

“Everyone has a dream of success, but many people could not find a good business platform, and unable to do so. Longrich customized marketing provide such a career platform for millions of those dream seeker, as long as they can successfully transfer their dream into a persistent pursuit, then they will succeed”.
Longrich gives you the opportunity to help others to build successful business – the satisfaction of building a better life for yourself and your loved ones.

“No other industry on earth creates as many millionaires as Network Marketing. Not real estate, not insurance, not the legal profession. NO OTHER INDUSTRY.”, wrote Mercy Mberia the company's daily interactive blog that publishes health articles.

She continued;

“Network Marketing gives people the opportunity needed, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth” by Robert Kiyosaki, Entrepreneur.


Patrick Kimanzi is LONGRICHPRESS Editor

Saturday 2 March 2019

NAIROBI: More than 50 univesity leaders students' leaders drawn 40 wards across Kitui County are incessantly pushing for a change of guard in the county leadership co me 2022, COUNTYPRESS has learnt.

Academic Disillusionment & Apathy

Speaking after a highly charged meeting at Dillon hotel in the city, the  group christened Dr.Mulyungi Governor 2022, Mwingi Comrades and Kitui County Revolution are citing disillusionment with the Ngilu administration in matters academic.

"The Kitui Governor is claiming through a Twitter  post that they have disbursed more than 166 million for bursaries but none of us recieved any. We only received Tsunami bursaries which he gave to over 13,000 Students all over Kenya. Of these, XXXX went to university and tertiary institutions students" Alex Muema, Chairman Mwingi University Students Association.

"We are totally disillusioned. We simply want Mulyungi at the helm of Kitui County. If push comes to shove we will organise a Kitui univesity students demo.

"We are recruiting more than 5K members. We are showing others what Mulyungi has done and what Mulyungi stands for. The global architect stands for total transparency and academic excellence and courageous leadership. Ngilu is bereft of all these" said Francis Muthengi at the rendezvous.

Echoing thes studentssentiments is Mwingi politician and academic James Kivanga Mutunga, he says;

Servitude leadership is what we need in Kitui county, where public resources will be in safe hands with Dr. Hon Gideon Mulyungi as our county boss.The future of Kitui county is luminous.

"Servitude leadership is what we need in Kitui county, where public resources will be in safe hands with Dr. Hon Gideon Mulyungi as our county boss.The future of Kitui county is luminous"

Here is a transcript of WhatsApp Messenges send to COUNTYPRESS

University Students Push For Mulyungi Governorship, Qierry Kitui166M Bursaries

NAIROBI: More than 50 univesity leaders students' leaders drawn 40 wards across
Kitui County are incessantly pushing for a change of guard in the county leadership co me 2022, COUNTYPRESS has learnt.

Academic Disillusionment & Apathy

Speaking after a highly charged meeting at Dillon hotel in the city, the  group christened Dr.Mulyungi Governor 2022, Mwingi Comrades and Kitui County Revolution are citing disillusionment with the Ngilu administration in matters academic.

"The Kitui Governor is claiming through a Twitter  post that they have disbursed more than 166 million for bursaries but none of us recieved any. We only received Tsunami bursaries which he gave to over 13,000 Students all over Kenya. Of these, XXXX went to university and tertiary institutions students" Alex Muema, Chairman Mwingi University Students Association.

"We are totally disillusioned. We simply want Mulyungi at the helm of Kitui County. If push comes to shove we will organise a Kitui univesity students demo.

"We are recruiting more than 5K members. We are showing others what Mulyungi has done and what Mulyungi stands for. The global architect stands for total transparency and academic excellence and courageous leadership. Ngilu is bereft of all these" said Francis Muthengi at the rendezvous.

Here is a transcript of WhatsApp Messenges send to COUNTYPRESS

Sunday 24 February 2019

One on One With Mercy Mberia, Longrich Country Manager & 50D Stockist


Longrich Kenya Head Officer Mercy Mberia, a 50D Stockist Answers Your Frequently Asked Questions About Longrich.

What Is Longrich International All About?

Longrich is a manufacturing company with offices in 183 countries. It is ranked by Direct sales news as 42nd of the 100 top MLM company in the world and the 1st in Nigeria. It is Chaired by Xu Zhiwei (most outstanding Chinese entrepreneur of the world economy)

How Can I Join Longrich Kenya?

The process of becoming a Longrich distributor in Kenya is a process made easy. This is in agreement with the president’s vision which says ‘Longrich has an ambitious goal of giving each of us not only the chance to live in a harmonious and healthy environment but also build a successful business’.

Is Registration Free For All Kenyans?

Registration is FREE! Just buy Products that worth the proposed Entry value.
The simple step is to get registered as a Longrich distributor in Kenya at any membership entry level specified by Longrich.

What Are The Entry Levels In Kenya?

NOTE: The benefits of each Membership entry levels has been thoroughly dealt with under Longrich Marketing and Compensation plan. If you are in Kenya, pay into any ECO BANK branch that is close to you with the account details below.
Longrich Bank Account Detail:
Bank Name: ECO BANK
Branch:- Tower Branch
Account Number: 0010015036091001
After payment, send your payment details on the Bank  Teller (such as the Teller No. Payers Name, Amount Paid, Date of Payment etc. ) to 0786520331????

Will My Upline Assist Me?

Yes, Your Upline will assist you with the initial calculations on your PV status and products selection of your choice. You will then be able to pick the product(s) worth the point value(PV) of your entry level as covered by the amount paid.
You will then be required to take the teller alongside details of your personal information stated in the sections, to Longrich Head Office for documentation and processing.

What Products Does The Company Have?

Their products include everyday consumables such as Toothpaste, cream, soap,shampoo, fruit n vegetable shakes,health wine, mouth freshener, green tea, coffee, mosquito repellent, hand cream, pad and Panty liners that treat and prevent infection, supplements like calcium, natural antibiotics, cooking pots, cups,& so many other products. All their products are therapeutic and multi functional.

How Credible Is Longrich International Kenya?

LONGRICH is over 29 years old, and has bagged loads of awards and certification from ISO, USDA organic, WHO, SGS tested, CDS, NAFDAC, ISBN. Ranked in Forbes as China's top company.

How effective Are The Products?

The company's wide range of products meet global standards of excellence. It maintains same or even higher quality as popular brands such as LION, Walmart, Unilever, marks n Spencer, Glaxosmithkline, Tesco, Wool worths, Elizabeth arden, Shisheido, Carrefour, Estee Lauder and others.
Longrich produces for all the companies listed above.

How Do Longrich Research It's Products? Any Adverse Effects?

No.The products are formulated through careful research.The company has 8 world - class science and tech research n development (R & D) institutes in New York, Japan, France & China, with over 10000 employees 35% of which are college students, graduate students, senior engineers,doctors and experts from numerous fields.

How  Do I Make An Income From The Products?

By purchasing products either for personal use or for sale, by referring your friends and family to also make purchases of their daily use products from the company.

MLM Companies Are Tedious. What Makes Longrich Different?

Longrich has an improved model which excludes monthly compulsory injection of fresh funds, it also grows a team of 3 people as your direct down lines. Any new referral from the fourth is layered under one of the initial 3. This enhances team growth. There is no flushing of points.

What Are Longrich Achievements IN Kenya?

In the last 3 years in Kenya, it has given so many brand new cars to distributors across the nation, it has organised all expense paid holidays to Asia, USA, and EUROPE for over 100 distributors. Some distributors have also smiled home with houses awarded to them valued Ksh 25 million???? each to either purchase or build a befitting home anywhere in the world and SUVs valued at???

Is Longrich A Get Rich Quick Scheme?

I must state that Longrich is not a get rich quick scheme. With commitment and hard work associating with Longrich, it will change your financial fortunes forever.

For more info, visit our website for for product knowledge LONGRICH PRODUCTS


MACHAKOS: Politician Darius Leads Wiper Youth And Church Agenda In Machakos


MACHAKOS-Darius Kimwele, the youthful politician and a risk and disasters management consultant, who was in the news recently as he recruited 300 Wiper Choppers volunteers, is leading the youth agenda cohort in  the Wiper Party,  COUNTY PRESS has learnt.

The move, a brainchild of Wiper top brass backed by blessings of  Former VP and Wiper leader H.E Kalonzo Musyoka is aiming at ratcheting up the youth and women agenda in the party Manifesto, party insiders said Saturday.

"This week ranks as the busiest for the Kingpin as far matters pertaining youth and women are concerned. We are engaging in consecutive comprehensive meetings" said  Darius Kimwele, the young suave paralegal and Mwingi politician.

"We are bringing out the big guns for 2022. after today's meeting I personally delivered SKM message to more than 1000 church leaders who are  congregated during aa hig profile caucucs in Machakos Show Ground. Kalonzo message is clear: Religion must play a big role in suffrage, and in governce" added the youthful politician.

We are going the whole ten  yards. We are meeting youth leaders, women leaders, pastors and even the teens. At the core of the discussions that Kalonzo is having with them the role of youth in political, economic and social development.

Asked by this reporter about the future of the party, he said;

The future  of Wiper Democratic Movement as a political party rests on the youth of this Country. The Kalonzo Musyoka Foundation is the forward operating base" Said Darius Kimwele.

Last week, the party top brass announced its grandiose plans to embark on a country wide popularization of the national party using choppers embazolned with the party colours including its iconic umbrella, catching the Ngilu Mutua Kivutha outfit unawares.

MACHAKOS: Mwingi Politician Darius Leads Wiper Youth And Church Agenda In Machakos


MACHAKOS-Darius Kimwele, the youthful politician and a risk and disasters management consultant, who was in the news recently as he recruited 300 Wiper Choppers volunteers, is leading the youth agenda cohort in  the Wiper Party,  COUNTY PRESS has learnt.

The move, a brainchild of Wiper top brass backed by blessings of  Former VP and Wiper leader H.E Kalonzo Musyoka is aiming at ratcheting up the youth and women agenda in the party Manifesto, party insiders said Saturday.

"This week ranks as the busiest for the Kingpin as far matters pertaining youth and women are concerned. We are engaging in consecutive comprehensive meetings" said  Darius Kimwele, the young suave paralegal and Mwingi politician.

"We are bringing out the big guns for 2022. after today's meeting I personally delivered SKM message to more than 1000 church leaders who are  congregated during aa hig profile caucucs in Machakos Show Ground. Kalonzo message is clear: Religion must play a big role in suffrage, and in governce" added the youthful politician.

We are going the whole ten  yards. We are meeting youth leaders, women leaders, pastors and even the teens. At the core of the discussions that Kalonzo is having with them the role of youth in political, economic and social development.

Asked by this reporter about the future of the party, he said;

The future  of Wiper Democratic Movement as a political party rests on the youth of this Country. The Kalonzo Musyoka Foundation is the forward operating base" Said Darius Kimwele.

Last week, the party top brass announced its grandiose plans to embark on a country wide popularization of the national party using choppers embazolned with the party colours including its iconic umbrella, catching the Ngilu Mutua Kivutha outfit unawares.