Thursday 10 January 2019

Fear God Or Perish Sen Kiio Tells Ngilu In An Open Letter



Greetings Madam Governor. I am writing this open letter to you, hoping that you will find time and reason to not only read it, but act on it.
Madam Governor, the people of Kitui County have a right to reap the benefits of good leadership. That is why they elected their leaders, you included, on August 8, 2017.
And they expect that this leadership will be exercised at every level of representation.
Madam Governor, I plead with you to come alive to the fact that you are not the only elected leader in Kitui County. In the eyes of some people, the position of governor may not even be the most important elective office. Its importance notwithstanding, your office is simply but respectfully one of the many offices to which sons and daughters of Kitui have been elected
by the people of Kitui.
Madam Governor, you must respect other leaders if you expect them to respect you. You must fear God and desist from oozing lies about other leaders in church.
Madam Governor, by disrespecting God, the Bishops of AIC Kenya, pastors and the faithful in the manner that you did on Sunday December 6th, 2019 at AIC Kasina, you risk attracting God's wrath on our county. For an act like this, leaders who truly fear God would dress in
sackcloth as they fast and pray seeking forgiveness. I will stand in the gap for you and pray that God will forgive you and not visit His wrath on our county.
But Madam Governor, you must know that this year will be a completely different year in regard to the management and scrutiny of resources belonging to the people of Kitui County.
You can continue paying your supporters to heckle, insult or even rough up leaders who
disagree with you because that is probably the only brand of politics you understand. It may be difficult to even try to teach you new and progressive leadership skills of consultation and consensus in the management of public affairs in the new age. But the people of Kitui shall
not be the ones to pay the price for your inability and/or unwillingness to pursue good governance.
The theft of public resources by top officials in your government must stop and
the culprits must take full responsibility for economic crimes.
Madam Governor, you must take full political responsibility for presiding over arguably one of the most corrupt county governments in Kenya. All elected leaders, the church, the business community, professionals and the good people of Kitui will demand transparent use
This letter is written in good faith, without malice or prejudice. This letter is written in the best interest of the people of Kitui County who elected me to represent them in the Senate and to oversight your government.

Enoch Kiio Wambua,
Senator, Kitui County.
Deputy Governor (Kitui County)
County Secretary (Kitui County)

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