Friday 25 January 2019

Is Mulyungi A Prototype Of The Emerging 21st Century Politician


Flamboyant, charismatic, unpredictable, high colour sheen, approachable, educated, global minded, unwavering courage, and a quick gait that leaves aides gasping for breath....add that to his spontaneous tantalising speeches that seem paint pictures - winning hearts and minds...

So is Architecture-turned-politician Gideon Mulyungi A Prototype Of The Emerging 21st Century Future Politicians. (Editor)

Here is Whay (Source WhatsApp)

Guys, take this or leave it, wacha ata Mulyungi against, Ngilu, Malombe and kiema, say Ngilu Vs Mulyungi, with Mulyungi carrying wiper Ticket, Mulyungi will carry the day. Never and i repeat never underestimate that big Kisithe guy.
🌶Just like Ngilu against Malombe and musila, he will enjoy youth voters votes at about 80%
🌶He is financially loaded, mwanosu ee twindo twake
🌶He has a gift of the garb, has an inciting tone, he loves rough language, a language very popular with modern day voter, his nick names, Nunu master, Kisithe kyaasa, Tsunami are very popular in Kitui County populace
🌶He is a master of goonism politics just like mama. They will play a level field mundu ku mundu goonism politics
⛔🌶Pray, just like musila, kalonzo does not give him the wiper Ticket, but if by chance apate, make no mistake, he is lethal politically

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