Tuesday 29 January 2019

Mwingi Wiper Politician Ndumbuli Threatens To Sue Ngilu For Zero Projects In Larger Mwingi


MWINGI- A Mwingi politician allied to former VP H.E Kalonzo Musyoka's Wiper party is threatening to sue Kitui Governor Charity Kaluki Ngilu, COUNTYPRESS has learnt.

WIPER WARRIORS: Politician Ndumbuli Mwikya Mailu at a past Wiper event in Mwingi. The Wiper stalwart wants to sue Kitui Governer for graft. PHOTO/PATRICK KIMANZI/WIPERPRESS

Vocal Wiper henchman and Mwingi politician Ndumbuli Mwikya Mailu -- the flamboyant self-styled Larger Mwingi Spokesman says he will b taking the embattled county boss to court for what he has termed as "acute plunder, mis-allocation of public resources and a systematic hate-driven marginalisation of the people living in the Larger Mwingi and adjoining areas"

"As a politician and a private citizen I can sue the Govenor and sanction Ngilu bloggers from abusing our Kingpin Kalonzo.

I can also present in court evidence that the Governor has carried zero projects in Larger Mwingi while in her favourite sub-counties, she poured millions" Ndumbuli told the WIPERPRESS Editor

Excerpts form WhatsApp Post 

I will be demanding an apology from H.E Governor Charity Kaluki Ngilu; there is no way his paid blogger can continue to manufacture negative blogs about HE VP Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka and expect us to sit and watch!!

This joke has come too far.If you surely think you don't need Larger Mwingi then keep your governship for Larger Kitui and let's larger Mwingi groom our to be Governor HE Gedion Mutemi Mulyungi!!

Leave our larger Mwingi sons HE  Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka and Hon Gedion Mutemi Mulyungi alone!!

Give us your agenda for larger Mwingi:

1: SEKU project stalled

2: Lack of water for Mwingi town as Kimwascooo is a dead and buried company

3:Build Mwingi Sub county offices after they were burnt they look like Gedi ruins and larger Mwingi has the largest revenue.

4:Governors office in Mwingi Town,when I helped during campaign you promised to build Governors office in Mwingi what happened?

5:Present a blue print for entire larger Mwingi and stop side shows of attacking our sons HE VP SK Musyoka and Hon Gedion Mulyungi

I will not not sit down and wait for insults to our dear sons.Up to you now.

Ndumbuli Mwikya Mailu
Larger Mwingi Spokesman

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